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·My Involvement
NOTE: This page is old. Check out my youtube for more up-to-date projects.
I've done a number of projects and you'll find most of them listed here, from programming to engineering.
Some of the links are on-sight, and some are off-sight.
Programming Projects (in progress)
CPPGPGPU Multi platform OpenGL Utilities geared for general purpose computing on the GPU.
Programming Projects (finished)
ConsoleCursor: use console commands like GotoXY, Color and ClearScreen on unix-like, and windows systems alike.
EzSockets: easily use sockets on linux, windows, OSX, PlayStation2, and XBOX. Supports UDP, TCP, blocking and non-blocking sockets.
HTTPPing: ping servers without use of ICMP packets.
Realtime Audio Lab: look at a realtime FFT output, sinewave output, of your speakers. Automatically generate sinewave sweeps.
Socket Scripter: perform scripted actions on a socket with a server from a plain text file.
HDCellRT: realtime Ray Tracer that runs on the IBM Cell processor on the PlayStation 3. An academic paper on the topic can be found here: Final revision of my HD Cell Ray Tracer paper
Unfinished code (projects that work, but aren't anywhere NEAR polished):
HPlotter: Plot file dependencies in your C++ programs.
ezSQL: Strip-down MySQL compile-in client.
Hardware Projects (completed and in no order)
Multiple low to medium power amplifiers using various LM series parts
DMX-512 computer converter
Multiple iterations of the Optical DDR Pad
StepMania Lights output for vintage arcades
StepMania Lights output for DanceTraX
Various audio filter circuitry using opamps
Under-vehicle LED lighting array
USB Joypad interface
Intelligent computer case lighting output interface